AboutThe Sage Community Network (SCN) is comprised of voting members, as well as an 11 to 15 member Board of Directors. The SCN elects the directors and subsequently the directors elect from among themselves the officers.
The current board for 2015/16 has 4 Officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer), 3 School Coordinators (PYP/Elementary, Middle, DP/High), and 3 to 6 Members-at-Large, including two for new families. If you are a parent, teacher or staff associated with Sage International School, please consider joining the SCN. |
The Board shall:
All Directors shall:
President shall:
Vice-President shall:
Secretary shall:
Treasurer shall:
Other Directors
School Coordinators shall:
Members-at-Large shall:
Administration Flex Seat (a flex position, that the school can appoint anyone to attend meetings and fill this spot) shall:
- Establish the direction of the Network.
- Create committees as needed to carry out work necessary to achieve SCN's Mission and Vision.
- Approve routine bills and spending requests within the limits of the yearly budget.
- Prepare and submit a calendar of events and a yearly budget to the general membership at the June meeting of the previous year that includes fundraisers, assemblies, teacher appreciation events, social events, and a schedule of regular SCN board meetings.
All Directors shall:
- Be an advocate for Sage International when attending community events; promote Sage International in ways appropriate to your profession and contacts.
- Read the Sage International School charter.
- Represents the interests of the community in school wide network decisions.
- Participate in the creation and management of committees.
- Represent parent concerns and opinions as they relate to SCN issues.
- Attend all meetings or notify the President, in advance of your absence, and submit a report prior to the meeting.
- A Board member’s unexcused absence from two consecutive meetings shall result in automatic removal from office.
- If the duties of an Officer are neglected, removal from office may be motioned for, in accordance with Network by laws
- Directors are elected for 2-year terms. Directors may be re-elected.
- Directors will not receive any compensation for their services as Board members.
President shall:
- Exercise general supervision over all of the interests and welfare of the entire Parent Organization
- Act as a liaison between the School, SCN Board, Sage Board of Directors, and parents
- Coordinate the work of the officers and the committees so that the purpose of the organization is served
- Coordinate Board meetings, develop an agenda, and facilitate SCN board meetings.
- May act as ex-officio member of all committees
- Work closely with committee chairs and coordinators to ensure timely and efficient completion of network related tasks and projects together with the Vice President.
- Meet with the School Administration as needed.
- Supervise the election of SCN Board Officers for the following year
- Attend monthly Sage Board of Directors meetings or appoint a liaison
- Approve meeting minutes in a timely manner
- Be the first signatory for checks
- Have spending authority without board approval for amounts of less than $100
- Perform all other duties pertaining to the office
- Service is a one year term. The position can be filled by the same person for 2 consecutive year only.
Vice-President shall:
- Attend all SCN board meetings
- Give input and approval as needed
- Liaise with the President and become familiar with the duties of the office
- Perform the duties of President in the event of the President's absence
- Work closely with committee chairs and coordinators to ensure timely and efficient completion of network related tasks and projects together with the President.
- Volunteer to chair one committee.
- Perform all other duties pertaining to the office
- Service is a one year term
Secretary shall:
- Attend all SCN board meetings
- Create and maintain a resource file containing the Parent Organization Bylaws, policies, procedures, committee descriptions and approved/unapproved meeting minutes.
- Distribute minutes to all SCN Board Members in a timely fashion after each meeting.
- Maintain a current list of all active committees and committee chairs
- Organize or set up requests (catering, IT, maintenance) for all Meetings in collaboration with the President or appointed liaison
- Perform such other duties as are required by the office.
- Service is a one year term
Treasurer shall:
- Manage the operating budget with the approval of the SCN Board.
- Receive and collect all SCN monies.
- Be custodian of all funds.
- Deposit funds in a bank approved by SCN.
- Be the second signatory for checks.
- Attend and present an accounting statement of all accounts at each scheduled board meeting.
- Prepare and complete an annual report of income and expenses
- File any required documents related to the organization’s non-profit status.
- Disburse funds in accordance with the budget as approved by the Board (or President if less than $100)
- Propose a yearly budget based on last year’s annual report to the Board at the annual Board meeting.
- Maintain accurate records of all financial transactions related to the SCN account to be passed on to subsequent treasurers and to be used as reference by SCN Officers as needed
- Perform such other duties as are required by the office.
- Service is a one year term
Other Directors
School Coordinators shall:
- Attend all SCN Board meetings or notify the President, in advance of your absence, and submit a report prior to the meeting of your school any of events you chair.
- Represents the interests of their community in school wide network decisions.
- Find Grade Representatives.
- Meet on a regular basis with your Heads of School to discuss ways in which the Sage Community Network can support the school, and to get feedback, ideas and approval on projects that concern and affect teachers and staff at their level.
- Act as a liaison between the School, SCN Board, and parents
- Represent parent concerns and opinions as they relate to SCN issues at meetings.
- Coordinate and communicate regularly with Grade Representatives to facilitate and oversee their process and act as their representatives in matters with the school.
- Volunteer for a minimum of one SCN sponsored activity during the year.
- Participate in planning a calendar of events.
- Communicate all scheduled events and changes to the SCN Board
- Maintain documents and records for future reference
- DP/High School Coordinator: Stays abreast of and updates the network on CAS projects that may benefit from community involvement.
- Service is a one year term
Members-at-Large shall:
- Attend all SCN Board meetings or notify the President, in advance of your absence, and submit a report prior to the meeting of your school any of events you chair
- Represents the interests of the community in school wide network decisions.
- Participate in the creation and management of committees as needed to carry out work necessary to achieve SCN’s purpose.
- Represent parent concerns and opinions as they relate to SCN issues at meetings.
- Consider becoming an officer during the second year of their term
Administration Flex Seat (a flex position, that the school can appoint anyone to attend meetings and fill this spot) shall:
- Represent the interests of the school administration to ensure the Network’s efforts are in harmony with those of the school administration,
- Inform SCN Board of upcoming school activities/functions and date changes.
- Coordinates necessary school resources.
- Suggest ideas to support the school.